RevThink Production Method™

Master the art of delegating production at scale.

Empower your team to produce projects (profitably) without you.

RPM At a Glance
8-week accelerator course
Live Weekly Workshops
Supportive peer group

"But no one can do it as well as me!"

You would love to hand over the keys to your team. You keep trying. But it always fails. And each time, you have to swoop back in and grab the wheel. (Which drives both you and your team crazy.)

To make matters worse, top studios seem to have this figured out. Somehow their teams always cross the production finish line with great creative, on-time, on-budget, and with healthy profits. But how?

The problem isn't your team. It's your system.

Welcome to the RevThinking Production Method (RPM) designed specifically for the needs of growing creative studios.


What You Will Learn

Week 1

Creative First

No one ever taught you how to manage production at scale.

You started out charging for your time. Learn why that method fails for project-based creative businesses. Stop being a micro-manager. Put creative first and unleash your team instead.

Week 2

You Say Tomato

To build a better system, let's first speak the same language.

Clear up the confusion around terms like rate, cost, price, and profit as you learn new terms like your Studio Roadmap, Creative Costs, Company Costs, The Splits, and more.

Week 3

Funding Your Dream

When you look at traditional financial statements, do you go cross-eyed?

Finally get excited about building (and reading) your finances in a simple way that informs making real-world decisions: say hello to your Factors Report.

Week 4

Spend Less Than You Make

What are your costs? Your rates? Your prices? You can't manage what you don't measure.

Paint a picture of your business one year from now. Now let's determine the KPIs – including The Splits – that will gradually create the company you desire, dollar by dollar, project by project.

Week 5

Letting Go

Instead of telling your team to spend as little as possible, unleash them to create as much as possible.

Deploy a simple but powerful Budget Template that gives your team full responsibility – and authority – to produce projects with maximum creative within well-defined guardrails.

Week 6

1 Million Decisions

There's only one way to make a million decisions: you're not the one making them.

The magic of Estimated Costs Remaining: add high beams to your company so your team easily spots production problems far in advance... and stop reacting to the inevitable curves in the road.

Week 7

Eliminate the Chatter

Think everyone uses email, Slack, and text messages to get the work done? Think again.

Roll up your sleeves and build your first Production Rollup. This is where your team will process all major production decisions, known as The Three C's. Just one meeting, one page, once a week. Simple.

Week 8

Check Your Dashboard

Congratulations, your are driving your business. But how do you empower your team to run it?

Like diet and exercise, keeping your company healthy over the long-term involves routines. So although building this system was critical, now comes the important part: enabling your team to run it.


Running a $1M creative company requires making a million decisions each year. If that wasn't enough, when your business grows to $2M – or $20M – what do you do?

Years ago my owner friends were desperately asking, "Where did all my money go?" In answering their question, I invented the Method. Since then, it has proudly become the production / profitability bedrock for many of the industry's leading studios.

I'm excited to help you also learn and implement the Method inside your creative company.

Enrollment Options



Just the modules (no live component).

Time commitment: 1 hour per week.
Waitlist Opens Soon


Learn the concepts and apply them in live group workshops.

Time commitment: 2 hours per week.
12 x group workshops led by Tim Thompson
Templates to run the Method yourself
Waitlist Opens Soon


Top consultant comes alongside to help implement the systems and routines.

Time commitment: 2-3 hours per week.
12 x group workshops led by Tim Thompson
Templates to run the Method yourself
3 x private sessions with Tim Thompson
Waitlist Opens Soon

Accelerators are guaranteed, if you're not a fit simply request a refund. Details subject to change.

This feels like I just had cataract surgery. I’m seeing my business clearly for the first time.

Jason Zemlicka, Managing Director/EP at Cause + Effect

It’s the simplicity of the method... giving you visibility into which projects are actually turning a profit.

Jeremy Dimmock, CD & Co-Founder at Polyester

Qualifying with The Three R’s then maintaining strong Splits on projects has been huge.

Dustin Schultz, EP & Founder at Union Productions